Council & Ministry Leadership

Provide your interest and expertise in a variety of areas to help guide the direction of our church.


Audit Team

Meet to audit the financial records of First United on an annual basis.

Congregation Council

Set church policy and oversee programs and finances. Serve as a representative to a committee and help coordinate worship services.

Endowment Board

Meet quarterly to make decisions on investments and disbursements of the Foundation Fund.

Housing Team

Responsible for the repairs and maintenance of three houses owned by First United.

Long Range Planning

Formulate and develop written long range plan related to growth development and future of our church.


Screen and recommend candidates for appointed church leadership positions and oversee selection of candidates for election.


Oversee staff/employee policies and procedures. Instrumental in staff selection and support.

Property & Grounds

Meet regularly to discuss and provide input for the property of the church.

Tanzania Committee

Open to anyone interested in promoting our relationship with and support for the Maangashiny Parish in Tanzania, our partner congregation.


Meet to plan annual stewardship response and to encourage generous giving to First United.